To make shopping at leatherjackethub as hassle-free as possible, we have included these terms and conditions. Before you place a purchase, please review our terms and conditions. We are legally bound to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with you when you place an online order for any garment. Our deployment of a secure shopping system to prevent fraudulent behaviour is guaranteed under the contract. Along with that, we have included Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to address any questions our clients may have about their orders.
Efficient Method
We take pride in our user-friendly order placement process. An order confirmation email is sent to the consumer by our staff whenever they make a purchase on our website. Kindly get in touch with us without delay if, after placing the order, you do not receive the confirmation email. Our system may not have verified or completed your order if you haven’t gotten an email.
Ensuring the Safety of Payment Options
We have put in place secure methods of payment. Feel free to pay without any reservations. Also, we accept digital payment methods like PayPal and Payoneer. All purchases made from leatherjackethub must be made through our website. Everything you see on this site is priced in US dollars and includes taxes. Your payment information will never be saved by leatherjackethub without your explicit authorisation. Moreover, the safest payment options have been included. When you shop with us, your information is safe because we use Secure Sockets Layer encryption. As a result, you can rest assured that your data is protected by stringent security measures.
Easy Online Purchasing Without Any Complications
We have put in place secure methods of payment. Feel free to pay without any reservations. Also, we accept digital payment methods like PayPal and Payoneer. All purchases made from leatherjackethub must be made through our website. Everything you see on this site is priced in US dollars and includes taxes. Your payment information will never be saved by leatherjackethub without your explicit authorisation. Moreover, the safest payment options have been included. When you shop with us, your information is safe because we use Secure Sockets Layer encryption. As a result, you can rest assured that your data is protected by stringent security measures.
Easy Online Purchasing Without Any Complications
Our goal is to make sure that buying from us is easy and convenient for our consumers. Nonetheless, please contact us via email if you have any problems while using our website.
Conditions for Order Cancellation
The order cancellation request will be accepted according to the below-mentioned terms and conditions. There is no order cancellation after three days. However, suppose you cancel an order within a week or seven days after order confirmation. In that case, we will deduct 50% of the product cost which you order.Suppose you cancel an order within three days after order confirmation. We will deduct 35% of the product which you order.
Select the fields to be shown. Others will be hidden. Drag and drop to rearrange the order.